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Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project KYEOP Cycle 9 2023 application is a transformational project that aims to empower and uplift the wellbeing of the youth in Kenya by equipping them with essential training, internship, and business grant opportunities.

KYEOP cycle 9 2023 is open and applicants are requested to apply so as to benefit. In a world where technical skills demand is on rise, such an opportunity can’t be ignored.

The government of Kenya is implementing Kenya youth Employment and opportunities project (KYEOP) in 17 Counties. The project seeks to create employment and earning opportunity for young people aged between 18-29 years.

KYEOP Cycle 9 2023 Counties.

The government is inviting applicants for cycle 9 for youths in the following counties.

1.     Bungoma

2.     Kakamega

3.     Kilifi

4.     Kitui

5.     Kwale

6.     Kisumu

7.     Kiambu

8.     Kisii

9.     Migori

10.  Machakos

11.  Mandera

12.  Mombasa

13.  Nyandarua

14.  Nakuru

15.  Nairobi

16.  Turkana

17.  Wajir


  • Job specific training across various fields (Both Technical and Craftsmanship). Examples include but not limited to ICT, Catering, Fashion Design, Carpentry, Hospitality, and more.
  • Entrepreneurship support
  •  Certificate of completion is rewarded at the end of the training program
  •  The program is entirely FREE and GOVERNMENT FUNDED. So, take advantage.

KYEOP Cycle 9 2029 Business Grant

The business support element is implemented by the Micro and Small Enterprise Authority (MSEA) and involves two activities:

  1. Business Start-Up Grants
  2. Business Development Services

The start-up grants activity involves the provision of seed capital for youth start-ups to invest in tools, inputs and grow existing businesses. Start-up grants are disbursed in two tranches. MSEA will hold one-day orientation sessions with beneficiaries before disbursements of each tranche. These sessions will be used to develop simple business plans outlining the investments and expenditures to be financed by the grant.

How to Apply for KYEOP Cycle 9 2023

Fill the application form at the KYEOP website on or before 31st May 2023


Open KYEOP application form Here



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