Admittedly, it’s a dream of every African boy or Girl to secure a good job immediately after graduation or before. This may be attributed to our humble background where our focus is to finish school and support our families. As much as choosing a career that suits you best is important, knowing which that marketable course in Kenya is good for you too.
Choosing the career that suits you best is one thing, but choosing the course that will read you to that career is another. Besides academic qualification, other factors mater when it comes to choosing marketable course in Kenya. One being availability of the courses in our local universities.
After a good research, we came up with a list of most marketable course in Kenya that are not only marketable today but are expected to be even in the next four to six years.
You should Consider:- How to choose a career that suits you best
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List of 10 Marketable courses in Kenya today
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)
- Bachelor of Commerce ( BCOM)
- BSc. Biomedical Engineering
- BSc. Software Engineering
- BSc. Nursing
- BSc. Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, / BSc. Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
- BSc. Computer Science/ IT
- BSc. Cyber Security
- BSc. Radiography
- Land Economics/ Property Management/ Bsc. Economics and Statistics
Factors to consider when choosing a course in Kenya
- How marketable is the course in the next four to six years
- How suitable are you for the course.
- How possible is it to employ yourself
- Availability of the course in Kenyan universities
- How competitive is the course in the market.
- How is the course recognized by relevant bodies
List of Marketable Courses in Kenya
1). Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)
With the advancement of healthcare in Kenya, Medical courses shall remain marketable for now and in future.
2). Bachelor of Commerce ( BCOM)
Offered in almost all universities in Kenya, BCOM remain one of the most relevant course in the country. With various choices based on the university, BCOM provide a starting point in careers like:-
- Human Resource
- Accounting
- Finance
- Project management
- Insurance and Risk management
- Procurement and Supply management
- Marketing management
- Actuarial Science option
3). BSc. Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering in Kenya is well growing career in the country. Though offered at diploma level at KMTC and other technical college in Kenya, Biomedical Engineering is only offered at Degree level at Kenyatta University.
4). BSc. Software Engineering
Software engineering is an Art and science that tries to address all the requirements of software development. With the advancement of technology globally, software engineers have a space in the country and in the globe.
5). BSc. Nursing
Besides nursing diploma that has been offered in many institutions in the country, BSc. Nursing is making its entry into this demanded professional. Over a couple of years, Kenyan nurses have been traveling to work abroad which indicates the demand of this professionals globally.
6). BSc. Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, / BSc. Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
As the economy of the country grows, so do the structures. We have seen exponential growth of infrastructure in the country over the last 15 years. Much more is expected and this professionals will be required to carry out this.
7). BSc. Computer Science/ IT
BSc. Computer Science, BSc. Computer Technology, BSc. IT, BSc. Information Systems are closely related courses. This professions offer a starting point that may read to solving ICT related problems as well as proving business, healthcare and other solutions.
8). BSc. Cyber Security
With the advancement of computer systems in Kenya and the world, crime in the streets is equally as much as crime in the digital space. The course offers skills required to identify, prevent and/or respond to cyber security threats.
9). BSc. Radiography
With the growth of diagnostic imaging in Kenya, with at least a CT scan in every county, and MRI in every major town in Kenya, Digital X-Rays, Ultrasound and PET CT in the country. It is with no doubt more radiographers will be required now and in future. Even though radiography is done in many KMTC colleges in Kenya to help curb the demand, currently the degree in this course is only done at JKUAT. Making the few students with this degree in Kenya to be searched for. The JKUAT Bachelor of Radiography program is an integrated academic and clinical course of 4 years duration.
Universities offering BSc. Radiography in Kenya
- Jommo Kenyatta University of Science and Agriculture. (JKUAT)
10). Land Economics/ Property Management/ Bsc. Economics and Statistics
Economics has always been a marketable course in Kenya. With the boom in property economy in Kenya, this professionals are very demanded and will be needed even in future
Things to note when choosing a marketable course in Kenya.
- The list above is not exhaustive
- Take other related professionals to your degree while in university. eg CPA/CIFA/CISCO and other short courses to make you a better professional.
- Join relevant professional bodies to understand the market better.
- Keep a look at the job market and understand what the employer needs most.
- Gain other soft skills that are relevant and your degree will never address.
- Consider what courses are offered at the KUCCPS Website
And Lets remember :- Academic Excellence is Overrated